Old Glory

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WFOT Fundraiser Chicken Cook

What a success!  Saturday, June 16, 2012 we held a fundraiser for Wings for Our Troops "in loving memory of CPL Chad S Wade" in Rogers, AR with Whitey and his chicken crew and Chad's friends from high school and some of the parents including Wendy and Mike Jones.  We raised $2,452.00 from chicken sales and t-shirt sales.  We sold out of chicken by 12:00 noon!  We were thrilled to say the very least.  It was a hot day, but amazing at the same time.  Chad's friends (mostly the girls) came out to help work and collect money and do the running back and forth.  I had my amazing husband, two of our girls (Tia & Candi), Nathan, my sister, Paige and her husband, Rodney.  Emily's mom and bonus dad and Desi's mom, Erin's mom, Best Sign Group in Rogers, AR, and so many more.  Billy Booher, Chris Reed, Cody Neely, and several other friends of Chad's and/or friends of his friends.  I can't remember all the names (I apologize), because we had an amazing turn out.  We are so blessed to have this many friends and family that want to be involved and help out for something that means so much to Tebo and I.
We have another chicken cook this coming weekend and all the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project in Chad's memory.  We did this one last year and now beginning this year we will have an annual chicken cook for Wings for Our Troops and Wounded Warrior Project.  I can't think of a better way for these young men and women to spend a few hours on a Saturday giving back to those that give/gave so much!
Thank you to all that not only worked and participated whether it be donating the chicken (Tyson Foods, Inc.) or donating t-shirts (Innovative Ink), the Rogers Fire Department (station 1), etc., but also to those that came out and purchased chicken and t-shirts or just made a donation and didn't take anything in return.  We truly appreciate your generosity more than we could ever express... Check out a few pictures to show how hard everyone worked...
Rogers Fire Department Station 1 hung with us all day and flew our flag!

Wendy Jones is a rock star!  Couldn't have done this without her!

Nathan, Rodney, & Candi helping us work

Erin, Emily, & Clay... They were working their side of the street!

Thank you Best Sign Group for an amazing banner in record time! 
My amazing husband with our Whitey sign

Whitey and his crew with their TIT (turner in training) Paige (my sister)


  1. BWAHAHAHA! Paige is the tit! :) Sorry, you just make it so easy. It looks like a great day and WOWZERS, the money raised is awesome! It gives me goosebumps to think about all of those people who knew and loved Chad, coming out on a gorgeous summer Saturday to help raise money in his honor and memory. What a fantastic friend he must have been to those people for so many years for them to return the favor. He was a good boy. Looking forward to seeing the next one. And wishing we were a lot closer to AR. Although I guess we could always end up there after Ft. Lee. Little Rock is not completely out of the question. :)

    1. LOL! TIT is what Whitey and his crew call the newbies that want to turn (turner in training)... We cracked up. It was amazing and I still get amazed at how much his friends love him. He was a good friend, but they are good people too and they show it to us daily. If you get as close as Little Rock there will be no stopping this group! We would love it. I might have to fight for my Traci time if you are that close, but I bet I can take ya... ROFL Thank you for all your support as well. Love you girlfriend.
